Josh Zepnick served in the Wisconsin State Assembly from 2003 to 2019 as a Democrat. Ran for Milwaukee Common Council in 2016 and 2019 and Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in 2022. Prior Wisconsin Blue Book biography from 2016: Born Milwaukee, March 21, 1968; married. Graduate Rufus King H.S. (Milwaukee); B.A. UW-Madison 1990; M.A. Univ. of Minnesota 1998. Full-time legislator. Former project consultant, Milwaukee Jobs Initiative, Milwaukee Community Service Corps, and Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin; research associate, Center for Democracy and Citizenship; aide to State Senator Bob Jauch and Congressman David R. Obey. Member: Jackson Park Neighborhood Assn.; Jackson Park Business Assn.; South Side Business Club. Former member: UFCW Local 1444. Elected to Assembly since 2002. Minority Caucus Sergeant at Arms 2013, 2011. Biennial committee assignments: 2013 — Energy and Utilities (since 2005, vice chp. 2009); Financial Institutions (since 2003); State and Federal Relations; State and Local Finance. 2011 —Tourism, Recreation and State Properties; Leg. Coun. Spec. Com. on Local Service Consolidation (chp.). 2009 — Jt. Com. for Review of Administrative Rules (co-chp.); Ways and Means; Workforce Development (also 2007, 2003). 2007 — Gov.’s Council on Workforce Investment (also 2005). 2005 — Government Operations and Spending Limitations (also 2003); Southeast Wisconsin Freeways; State-Federal Relations; Jt. Select Com. on Road to the Future. 2003 — Transportation. Back to the full file.