Content referencing Isral DeBruin

Hundreds watch parent-led virtual listening sessions on K-12 education with mayoral candidates
Press Release

Hundreds watch parent-led virtual listening sessions on K-12 education with mayoral candidates

Sessions among the only campaign events focused exclusively on issues related to the city’s schools

Op Ed: Breakup of MPS Is The Wrong Answer
Op Ed

Breakup of MPS Is The Wrong Answer

Yes, improvements are needed, but breaking up the district won’t accomplish this.

Op Ed: State School Report Cards Bend the Truth
Op Ed

State School Report Cards Bend the Truth

Moving the goal posts to make schools look better.

Graded on a Curve, Wisconsin Schools Score Well

Graded on a Curve, Wisconsin Schools Score Well

DPI changes grading scale, says pandemic caused 'disruptions.'

How Will Schools Use CARES Funding?

How Will Schools Use CARES Funding?

The pandemic is proving very expensive for schools.

School leaders encounter issues of race and culture at training with Schools That Can Milwaukee July 24-25
Press Release

School leaders encounter issues of race and culture at training with Schools That Can Milwaukee July 24-25

Local nonprofit equips leaders of MPS, charter and Choice schools to ensure academic excellence and culturally relevant practices

Huge New Christian School Serves Latinos

Huge New Christian School Serves Latinos

St. Augustine Prep, south-side private school, has Olympic-sized pool.

Public, Charter, Choice School Leaders Together

Public, Charter, Choice School Leaders Together

They build relationships at Schools That Can training session.

Creating a “Culture of Joy” at MPS

Creating a “Culture of Joy” at MPS

Three different non-profits are helping to transform Carver Academy school in Brewers' Hill.