Content referencing George Sanders

Movie Time’s Summer 2018 Schedule Announced: Leading Men
Press Release

Movie Time’s Summer 2018 Schedule Announced: Leading Men

Prior to each film, Dale E. Kuntz shares knowledge of the film industry and gives the inside scoop on each movie.

Movie Time’s Winter 2014 Schedule Announced: All Singing…All Dancing…All Technicolor!
Press Release

Movie Time’s Winter 2014 Schedule Announced: All Singing…All Dancing…All Technicolor!

The Charles Allis Art Museum, 1801 N. Prospect Ave., along with leading Wisconsin film historian, Dale E. Kuntz, is pleased to announce Movie Time’s Winter 2014 Schedule: All Singing…All Dancing…All Technicolor!

The Roundup: Art Jones Pension better than $100K per year
The Roundup

Art Jones Pension better than $100K per year

Two other Mayoral candidates eligible soon

The Roundup: Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat
The Roundup

Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat

Rep. Shirley Krug was chosen Monday to take a seat on the influential Joint Committee on Finance