Content referencing Corey Stingley
Charges Filed in Corey Stingley Killing?
His father Craig Stingley says charges will be filed in controversial 2012 death at West Allis store.
Mar 3rd, 2025 by Bruce MurphyStill Fighting for Equality
A new generation of black leaders faces economic, educational inequities.
Jul 25th, 2017 by Jabril FarajCan Chisholm Be Beaten?
The DA pleads for help as dark money from outside the county blasts him.
Aug 8th, 2016 by Bruce MurphyThe Bizarre War Against John Chisholm
What’s more peculiar, his opponent, or the complicated plot to defeat him?
Jun 14th, 2016 by Bruce MurphyCritics Demand Federal Probe of Police Department
Huge turnout at listening session, many call for civil rights investigation of MPD's "patterns and practices."
Jan 30th, 2016 by Jabril FarajMillion Mom March to DC
Local mothers joining march to demand justice for those killed by police or white vigilantes.
Apr 3rd, 2015 by Edgar MendezThe Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum
Conservatives from outside Milwaukee hope to join forces with black city residents to oppose the streetcar.
Jan 8th, 2015 by Michael Horne and Bruce MurphyAttorneys Rush to Chisholm’s Defense
Worried about possible recall, they plan fundraiser for the DA. But will it help him?
May 8th, 2014 by Bruce MurphyRecall Effort Targets John Chisholm
DA targeted by right wingers outraged by John Doe and liberal blacks angered by suspects killed in custody.
Feb 6th, 2014 by Bruce MurphyStatement of Milwaukee County Supervisors Khalif Rainey and Russell Stamper II on the Killing of Corey Stingley
Corey Stingley’s homicide and the failure of District Attorney John Chisholm to press charges against his killers is a loss for the entire community, and we as a community are hurting
Jan 18th, 2014 by Milwaukee County Board of SupervisorsWord to the Wise
Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. January 17, 2014
Jan 17th, 2014 by Joe Davis, Sr.