Content referencing Bob Kastenmeier

The State of Politics: House Districts’ Maps Protect Incumbents
The State of Politics

House Districts’ Maps Protect Incumbents

State's 8 congressional districts typically won by incumbents, resulting in long tenure.

Wisconsin Politicians and Impeachment History

Wisconsin Politicians and Impeachment History

From Mayor Tom Barrett to Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsinites involved in every presidential impeachment attempt.

The State of Politics: Ryan’s 20-Year Tenure Typical for State
The State of Politics

Ryan’s 20-Year Tenure Typical for State

House members from Wisconsin average 16 years in office, nearly double the national average.

Op Ed: The Legacy of Marc Raskin
Op Ed

The Legacy of Marc Raskin

Remembering the Milwaukee native, Nixon “enemy” and leading liberal policy wonk.

Smart Politics: Sensenbrenner Could Break State Record
Smart Politics

Sensenbrenner Could Break State Record

If reelected would beat David Obey’s record of nearly 42 years as state congressman.