Bill Cosh, a Department of Natural Resources spokesman.

Content referencing Bill Cosh

Op Ed: EPA Hires Third Ex-Walker DNR Staffer
Op Ed

EPA Hires Third Ex-Walker DNR Staffer

Regional EPA office in Chicago embraces Walker staffers, philosophy .

Op Ed: Why Walker Killed DNR Magazine
Op Ed

Why Walker Killed DNR Magazine

Too popular? Or too many stories promoting recycling and clean water?

Tainted Water: Nitrate Pollutes State’s Drinking Water
Tainted Water

Nitrate Pollutes State’s Drinking Water

Chemical is at unsafe levels in estimated 94,000 Wisconsin households.

Wind Turbines Threaten Bats Here

Wind Turbines Threaten Bats Here

Study shows they kill about 1 million per year and Wisconsin has some of region's largest bat hibernation sites.

DNR Scientist Cuts Bigger Than Predicted?

DNR Scientist Cuts Bigger Than Predicted?

Walker's budget could also cut LTE staff in DNR's science bureau.

Cuts In DNR Scientists Could Hurt Walleye Fishing

Cuts In DNR Scientists Could Hurt Walleye Fishing

Longterm DNR efforts to reverse Walleye decline in state lakes could be hurt by Walker's proposed cuts.

DNR May Scrap Science Bureau

DNR May Scrap Science Bureau

Administrators consider killing Bureau of Science Services, "bedrock" of DNR, says its ex-leader.