Silver City is located just north of the Layton Boulevard West neighborhood. Back to the full article.

Arlington Heights Bandshell under construction.

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" In 2011, over 250 neighbors from Silver City, Burnham Park and Layton Park collaborated with Layton Boulevard West Neighbors (LBWN) to develop a Quality of Life Plan - a shared vision for the neighborhood's continued development through 2016. Neighbors identified improvements to Arlington Heights Park as one of several "catalytic projects" identified as integral components of successful Plan implementation. One specific improvement that neighbors identified was a Bandshell at the park, which hosts the "Sounds of Summer" concerts in the park. LBWN facilitated community meetings and charettes to develop the design for the Bandshell. Construction began in August and will be completed in-time for the August 21st Sounds of Summer Concert. The Bandshell would not have been possible without the financial support of the Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation, the City of Milwaukee Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation and LISC Milwaukee. Additionally, Sherwin Williams donated the paint needed for the project. Richard Schalk also donated professional engineering services." Photo courtesy of Layton Boulevard West Neighbors.