Wisconsin Public Radio

Race for Governor: Ignore the Polls, McCabe Urges Voters
Race for Governor

Ignore the Polls, McCabe Urges Voters

Maverick Democrat “likes” his chances, says lack of cash for TV ads won’t hurt his candidacy.

Vukmir, Nicholson Debate, Both Back Trump

Vukmir, Nicholson Debate, Both Back Trump

Neither criticized anything president has done, no major disagreements between candidates.

Trump’s Aid to Farms Gets Mixed Reviews

Trump’s Aid to Farms Gets Mixed Reviews

Dairy farms badly hurt by tariffs, Trump offers $12 billion national handout to farmers.

Solar Group Buys On The Rise

Solar Group Buys On The Rise

North Woods area embracing cheaper renewable energy.

Race for Governor: Flynn’s Work for Archdiocese a Hot Issue
Race for Governor

Flynn’s Work for Archdiocese a Hot Issue

Gubernatorial candidate’s work on clergy sex abuse scandal gets more criticism, support.

Market Tight for First-Time Homebuyers

Market Tight for First-Time Homebuyers

Homes for $200,000 and less are hardest to find.

EPA Seeks Ideas for Great Lakes Cleanup

EPA Seeks Ideas for Great Lakes Cleanup

Agency, experts agree solutions may take many years.

Race for Governor: Liberal Groups Won’t Endorse For Governor
Race for Governor

Liberal Groups Won’t Endorse For Governor

None of four Democratic finalists got more than one-third of online vote.

Swarms of Mosquitoes Plague State

Swarms of Mosquitoes Plague State

Insects thriving due do mild winter and hot rainy summer.

State’s Birth Rate Has Declined 22%

State’s Birth Rate Has Declined 22%

Lowest level since 1989, state now ranks 38th in birth rate, new study shows.

Poll Good News for Evers, Vukmir

Poll Good News for Evers, Vukmir

Evers lead widens in gubernatorial primary, Vukmir nudges ahead of Nicholson.

Voters Unhappy About Tariffs, State Roads

Voters Unhappy About Tariffs, State Roads

Marquette poll shows low support for Trump tariffs and outstate concern about roads.