Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

City Business: Entrepreneur Promotes Healthy, Tasty Food
City Business

Entrepreneur Promotes Healthy, Tasty Food

Grassroots Wellness Milwaukee delivers meals to people with diabetes, heart disease, health issues.

Call Her a Yoga Entrepreneur

Call Her a Yoga Entrepreneur

Joanna Brooks went from hating yoga to running her own studio at the Sherman Phoenix.

New Group Hails Asian Pacific Americans

New Group Hails Asian Pacific Americans

ElevAsian was founded to champion one of the city’s least-known minority groups.

How I Created an Employment Agency

How I Created an Employment Agency

Reggie Reed grew up in 53206 ZIP code, started Mindful Staffing Solutions three years ago.

Transportation: Group Pushes Higher Wheel Tax for Transit

Group Pushes Higher Wheel Tax for Transit

Higher vehicle licensing fee pushed as County Transit System considers 10% budget cut.

The Race to Curb Speeding in Milwaukee

The Race to Curb Speeding in Milwaukee

Despite recent dangerous crashes, Milwaukee Police are not making changes to the department’s vehicle pursuit policy, officials say.

Bronzeville Business Owners Desire the Streetcar

Bronzeville Business Owners Desire the Streetcar

Local shopkeepers say The Hop’s proposed expansion would bring an economic boost to the neighborhood.

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

League of United Latin American Citizens will celebrate 90th anniversary with July convention held in Milwaukee.

Helping Youths Learn Their Tribal History

Helping Youths Learn Their Tribal History

Ignace Indian Health Center’s program teaches young people about their tribal culture and history.

How Milwaukee Muslims Celebrate Ramadan

How Milwaukee Muslims Celebrate Ramadan

Metro area has estimated 20,000 Muslims, for whom Ramadan is a holy season.

County Opposes Plan to Replace Lincoln Hills

County Opposes Plan to Replace Lincoln Hills

Abele administration says state plan lacks adequate funding, won’t rehabilitate youth.

Taco Truck Issue Still Not Settled

Taco Truck Issue Still Not Settled

Agreement between owner and area alderman Bob Donovan has fallen apart.