Your Right to Know

Your Right to Know: Back Open Government? Prove It!
Your Right to Know

Back Open Government? Prove It!

Assembly voted 96-1 for resolution backing open government, but legislators continue to look for ways to limit it.

Your Right to Know: Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law
Your Right to Know

Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law

State Supreme Court ruling may allow governments to evade or delay obeying law.

Your Right to Know: How Republicans Worked to End Public Records
Your Right to Know

How Republicans Worked to End Public Records

Planning began last September and would have ended open records for all local governments as well.

Your Right to Know: Legislators’ Shocking Attack on Open Government
Your Right to Know

Legislators’ Shocking Attack on Open Government

Budget provision with no author will decimate open records rules for legislature. It will pass unless there is an outcry from legislators.

Your Right to Know: UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names
Your Right to Know

UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names

Provision slipped into budget allows universities to hide names of top candidates for key positions. No other state agencies enjoy this exemption.

Your Right to Know: Walker Action Restricts Public Records
Your Right to Know

Walker Action Restricts Public Records

Administration claims records of staff's preliminary analysis should be withheld. Critics argue that's illegal and makes governor less transparent than legislators.

Your Right to Know: How Open Are Government Digital Records?
Your Right to Know

How Open Are Government Digital Records?

Few think government does a good job of sharing digital data.

Your Right to Know: Will Schimel Proposal Lead to More Open Records?
Your Right to Know

Will Schimel Proposal Lead to More Open Records?

Attorney General's proposal sounds good, but the devil's in the details.

Your Right to Know: Don’t Let UW Hide Research Records
Your Right to Know

Don’t Let UW Hide Research Records

Walker's budget adds a blanket exemption that would allow UW to deny public record requests on controversial research, conflicts of interest or how tax dollars are spent.

Your Right to Know: How Traffic Safety-Related Information Went Dark
Your Right to Know

How Traffic Safety-Related Information Went Dark

Have municipalities gone overboard in protecting police and accident reports?

Your Right to Know: Is a Public Official’s Calendar a Public Record?
Your Right to Know

Is a Public Official’s Calendar a Public Record?

It can help explain what government officials are doing, but some are fighting media requests for this.