
Transportation: MCTS Holding Public Information Meetings on New BRT

MCTS Holding Public Information Meetings on New BRT

Starting in June, 9-mile Bus Rapid Transit will run from Downtown to Wauwatosa..

Transportation: Mitchell Wins ‘Best Airport’ Award

Mitchell Wins ‘Best Airport’ Award

Milwaukee's airport wins second annual award as one of best in North America for its size.

Transportation: Route 88 A Transit Success Story

Route 88 A Transit Success Story

Bus route with less frequency grows riders. But this is a cautionary tale, too, transit officials say.

Op Ed: Funding Transit Would Make Wisconsin More Welcoming
Op Ed

Funding Transit Would Make Wisconsin More Welcoming

Will the Wisconsin State Legislature get on board?

Transportation: MCTS Buses Could Again Serve Summerfest, But Issues Remain

MCTS Buses Could Again Serve Summerfest, But Issues Remain

And even if they do, it would be in a much-diminished capacity.

Wisconsin Loses Out on Stadium Freeway Grant

Wisconsin Loses Out on Stadium Freeway Grant

City-county-state effort sought $2 million grant to study converting it to a boulevard.

Transportation: BRT Grant Could Fund Downtown Plaza

BRT Grant Could Fund Downtown Plaza

New $2 million federal grant frees up funds for downtown upgrades along Bus Rapid Transit line.

Transportation: Airport Will Rip Out Two Runways

Airport Will Rip Out Two Runways

To save on costs, Milwaukee Mitchell plans to downsize to three-runway airport.

Transportation: New Electric BRT Line Will Launch With Some Diesel Buses

New Electric BRT Line Will Launch With Some Diesel Buses

New service will still launch June 4, but will be short four electric buses.

Chicago, Milwaukee, Twin Cities Train Could Start in Late 2023

Chicago, Milwaukee, Twin Cities Train Could Start in Late 2023

New train line would serve as second daily Empire Builder run.

New Port Director Shatters Glass Ceiling, Breaks Color Barrier

New Port Director Shatters Glass Ceiling, Breaks Color Barrier

Jackie Q. Carter is new director of Port Milwaukee.

Op Ed: Evers Budget Funds Bikers, Walkers
Op Ed

Evers Budget Funds Bikers, Walkers

It’s way overdue. State ranks 49th in funding transportation for biking, walking.