Milwaukee Storytellers Battle Onstage
The Moth’s GrandSLAM Championship provides great stories ranked by the judges at Turner Hall.
Jan 27th, 2014 by Isabel DunkerleyChad Piechocki
How a West Point man became a playwright and director of the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center.
Jan 23rd, 2014 byEurydice, Eurydice, Eurydice!
A unique Milwaukee Opera Theater festival offers several shows about the mythological character.
Jan 22nd, 2014 by Matthew ReddinMilwaukee’s Other International Ballet Company
Milwaukee Ballet II headlines the week’s arts offerings.
Jan 20th, 2014 by Isabel DunkerleyRemembering Rita Moreno
Decades ago, she snuck into Summerfest with the author and his family. On Saturday she receives the SAG lifetime achievement award.
Jan 17th, 2014 by 1000 Friends of WisconsinFirst Stage’s Powerful Drama on Slavery
“A Midnight Cry” tells the powerful story of a runaway slave.
Jan 16th, 2014 by Third Coast DailyA young play takes its first steps with World’s Stage
The company's Project: "Working Title" program returns for a second time, guiding Liz Leighton's "Learner's Permit" from manuscript to staged reading to full production, this weekend at the Underground Collaborative.
Jan 15th, 2014 by Matthew ReddinThe Ghost of Judy Garland
“End of the Rainbow” replays Garland’s last days in a backstage play that’s better musically than dramatically.
Jan 13th, 2014 by Dominique Paul NothGallery Night Should Draw Crowds
The annual winter event headlines a full week of events.
Jan 13th, 2014 by Isabel DunkerleyStill Radical After All These Years
The Rep’s “Woody Sez” mixes Guthrie’s great music and still provocative politics.
Jan 8th, 2014 by Dominique Paul NothThe Tragedy of Judy Garland
Rep’s End of the Rainbow offers the laughs and tears and songs of Garland’s hyper-dramatic life.
Jan 8th, 2014 by Matthew ReddinWar Horse Gallops Into Town
Tony-winning show heads ups a good week for theater.
Jan 6th, 2014 by Isabel Dunkerley