The State of Politics

The State of Politics: State Workers Now Contribute Twice as Much for Benefits
The State of Politics

State Workers Now Contribute Twice as Much for Benefits

Will this be an issue in gubernatorial campaign?

The State of Politics: Candidate Questionnaires Tie Legislators’ Hands
The State of Politics

Candidate Questionnaires Tie Legislators’ Hands

Interest groups demand them. Politicians hate them. The result is less compromise on issues.

The State of Politics: Will Walker Face a Budget Deficit?
The State of Politics

Will Walker Face a Budget Deficit?

Drop in tax collections could cause shortfall -- and a campaign issue for Burke.

The State of Politics: Wide-Open Battle for 19th Assembly District
The State of Politics

Wide-Open Battle for 19th Assembly District

Four talented candidates battling for open district which runs from Bay View to East Side.

The State of Politics: The Coming War Against Common Core
The State of Politics

The Coming War Against Common Core

Top priority for Republican legislators next year is to kill Common Core educational standards.

The State of Politics: Republicans Kill Covenant Grants for College Students
The State of Politics

Republicans Kill Covenant Grants for College Students

Doyle program rewarded high school students with good grades, but program is being phased out.

The State of Politics: GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue
The State of Politics

GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue

Republicans who championed amendment barring gay marriages now avoid defending the measure.

The State of Politics: Mud Fight for Attorney General?
The State of Politics

Mud Fight for Attorney General?

The three Democrats running all have similar stands, so may have to attack each other to stand out.

The State of Politics: Few Competitive Legislative Races
The State of Politics

Few Competitive Legislative Races

Redistricting has reduced the number of competitive districts for fall elections.

The State of Politics: Voters Oppose Walker’s Run for President
The State of Politics

Voters Oppose Walker’s Run for President

That's what three straight polls show. But experts doubt it will impact governor’s race.

The State of Politics: Barrett Blasts Suburbs on Low-Income Housing
The State of Politics

Barrett Blasts Suburbs on Low-Income Housing

Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee counties “systematically” keep out poor people, mayor charges.

The State of Politics: Confusion Reigns on Campaign-Finance Law
The State of Politics

Confusion Reigns on Campaign-Finance Law

Court rulings leaves state regulators reeling and candidates mystified.