
Op Ed: A Billboard With a Simple Message
Op Ed

A Billboard With a Simple Message

Erected downtown this month and for DNC: 3% of U.S. military spending could end global starvation.

Op Ed: Civil Rights Tour of City Is Heart Breaking
Op Ed

Civil Rights Tour of City Is Heart Breaking

But the tour, organized by the BeNoble Group, makes Milwaukee’s black history come alive.

Op Ed: The Courage of Mitt Romney
Op Ed

The Courage of Mitt Romney

And the sad spectacle of Wisconsin Sen. Ron Jonnson.

Op Ed: Economic Development That Works
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Economic Development That Works

M7 efforts, TIF districts have both paid off. Now if only we find more workers.

Op Ed: Trump Running On The Economy
Op Ed

Trump Running On The Economy

But warning signs are flashing nationally and in Wisconsin.

Op Ed: GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice
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GOP Gerrymandering and School Choice

Republicans proclaim vouchers for minorities while seeking ways to disenfranchise their votes.

Op Ed: Prescription Drug Prices Can Be Leveraged
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Prescription Drug Prices Can Be Leveraged

How our company reduced the massive costs of Big Pharma's prescription drug prices.

Op Ed: Trump Wants to Slash Social Security
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Trump Wants to Slash Social Security

If reelected will push for this. Has proposed $1.9 trillion cut in entitlement programs.

Op Ed: Yes, Republicans Want Less Democracy
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Yes, Republicans Want Less Democracy

Voter purges and gerrymandering seek to disenfranchise minorities. Let’s call this what it is.

Op Ed: Me-Too Yes, But Due Process, Too
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Me-Too Yes, But Due Process, Too

The idea that it's okay if some innocent men are falsely accused is becoming dangerously popular.

Op Ed: Trump’s Decision to Kill
Op Ed

Trump’s Decision to Kill

The President seems to have gotten away with murder, just like he said he would.

Op Ed: Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking
Op Ed

Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking

Safe Harbor legislation has been introduced repeatedly in the past several sessions, without passage.