
Op Ed: Milwaukee Pays High Price for War
Op Ed

Milwaukee Pays High Price for War

Since 2001, the total cost of America’s wars just to county taxpayers was $10.68 billion.

Op Ed: Reconstruction of Humboldt Blvd. is a Generational Opportunity
Op Ed

Reconstruction of Humboldt Blvd. is a Generational Opportunity

Latest plans from the city look good, but protections for bicyclists could make them great.

Op Ed: Why I’m Canvassing for MPS
Op Ed

Why I’m Canvassing for MPS

Knocking on strangers doors? I couldn’t help wonder what I’d gotten myself into.

Op Ed: Worried About Milwaukee Public Museum
Op Ed

Worried About Milwaukee Public Museum

It’s a great institution. But will it still be great — or shrunken — after it moves?

Op Ed: Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander
Op Ed

Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander

Their claim that Iowa model for nonpartisan redistricting is unconstitutional is dead wrong.

Op Ed: Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race
Op Ed

Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race

Kelly vs Karofsky will test the organizing, fundraising abilities of both parties.

Op Ed: The Boy Scouts Made Me a Man
Op Ed

The Boy Scouts Made Me a Man

Black boys and men in Milwaukee have a long, proud tradition with the Scouts.

Op Ed: “Tougher On Crime” Bills Make No Sense
Op Ed

“Tougher On Crime” Bills Make No Sense

Sen. Jon Erpenbach blasts recent "Tougher on Crime" legislation. Argues for increased education funding.

Op Ed: Ron Johnson Shows No Loyalty
Op Ed

Ron Johnson Shows No Loyalty

Seems afraid to support his former aide in state Senate primary against Tom Tiffany.

Op Ed: State School Funding Will Lower Taxes
Op Ed

State School Funding Will Lower Taxes

By reducing number of school referendums to hike property taxes. Republicans should reconsider Evers plan.

Op Ed: Trump Vulnerable on Environment
Op Ed

Trump Vulnerable on Environment

He’s done more damage than any president in modern history. Will Democrats make this an issue?

Op Ed: City Wrong to End Composting Program
Op Ed

City Wrong to End Composting Program

Other cities collect organic waste. Why is Milwaukee ending its program?