
Op Ed: Rural Areas Need Voucher Schools
Op Ed

Rural Areas Need Voucher Schools

The lowest performing school district in the state is in a rural area.

Op Ed: The Freedom to Work For Less
Op Ed

The Freedom to Work For Less

New labor law by Walker and GOP is all about “freedom”... Not.

Op Ed: Trump Should Go Big on Health Care
Op Ed

Trump Should Go Big on Health Care

Turn states loose as innovators, create 50 different pilot plans.

Op Ed: Water Bill Violates Constitution
Op Ed

Water Bill Violates Constitution

Big Ag could pump water — forever — from high-capacity wells.

Op Ed: Transportation Inaction Hurts State
Op Ed

Transportation Inaction Hurts State

By 2019 debt payments will have increased by 110%.

Op Ed: Disclose All Donations to Judges
Op Ed

Disclose All Donations to Judges

Bill requires prompt disclosure of donations by parties to a case.

Op Ed: Save the Sanctuary Woods
Op Ed

Save the Sanctuary Woods

Precious nature reserve on County Grounds in Tosa could be destroyed.

Op Ed: Student Debt Hits $1.4 Trillion
Op Ed

Student Debt Hits $1.4 Trillion

Solutions needed. Trump, Walker policies will drive debt level higher.

Op Ed: Clarke At Fault On County Jail
Op Ed

Clarke At Fault On County Jail

Inmate denied water for seven days? Walker should replace the sheriff.

Op Ed: State Should Add Interstate Tolls
Op Ed

State Should Add Interstate Tolls

Could raise $29 billion over 30 years, solving highways shortfall.

Op Ed: High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal
Op Ed

High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal

Dumps proposal by 54 retired judges, assures big money influence.

Op Ed: Save the Gettelman Brewery Buildings
Op Ed

Save the Gettelman Brewery Buildings

Miller would trash history: last underground arched-brick lagering cellar.