Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: County Treasurer Lied About Political Mailer?
Murphy’s Law

County Treasurer Lied About Political Mailer?

More questions about how Dave Cullen charged taxpayers for campaign-oriented literature.

Murphy’s Law: Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?

Incumbent Democratic faces heavy opposition from his own party backing challenger Jarrod Anderson.

Murphy’s Law: National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson
Murphy’s Law

National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson

Gaining lots of positive press during RNC, now talking of running for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Arts Groups in Big Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Arts Groups in Big Trouble

Huge declines in the percent of earned income are a very worrisome sign.

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Rising Health Care Costs
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Rising Health Care Costs

Wisconsin's a leader in high costs and inflated executive salaries. Is there a solution?

Murphy’s Law: The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer
Murphy’s Law

The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer

Reform candidate Ted Chisholm promises to work for less pay than incumbent David Cullen.

Murphy’s Law: Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?
Murphy’s Law

Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?

Crisis points to potential problems with school system’s financial oversight.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local

Much less money for Wisconsin, more board members from outside state.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy
Murphy’s Law

Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy

Why are they opposing incumbent Democrat? In a word, they hate him.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion

Conservative candidate for state Supreme Court a national leader in pushing to ban abortions.

Murphy’s Law: Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race
Murphy’s Law

Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race

How Trump’s vow to overturn the ACA could damage Wisconsin and the nation.

Murphy’s Law: More Insider Dealing By County Officials?
Murphy’s Law

More Insider Dealing By County Officials?

County Treasurer’s son handed the communications manager job. He was only candidate.