Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea
Murphy’s Law

Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea

Council wants its own watchdog. Former mayor says post is unnecessary.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee County on a Crash Course
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee County on a Crash Course

Without more funding of programs it runs for the state, county will soon face fiscal ruin.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Suit Cost Workers $23 Million
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Suit Cost Workers $23 Million

Suit he joined stopped 165,000 Wisconsin workers from getting overtime pay.

Murphy’s Law: Sewerage District Is National Leader
Murphy’s Law

Sewerage District Is National Leader

Milwaukee leads nation in reclaiming water, but rise in extreme rains a challenge.

Murphy’s Law: Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?
Murphy’s Law

Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?

Problems may go back a decade and mayor deserves much blame, some alderman say.

Murphy’s Law: Is John McAdams a Bully?
Murphy’s Law

Is John McAdams a Bully?

MU professor calls it free speech. But faculty seeks new policy against cyberbullying.

Murphy’s Law: Young Voters, Black Voters Key to Election?
Murphy’s Law

Young Voters, Black Voters Key to Election?

Two separate groups working on voter turnout could have big impact.

Murphy’s Law: The Best Governor Money Can Buy
Murphy’s Law

The Best Governor Money Can Buy

Just about every Walker policy was bought by special interests.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel’s Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

Schimel’s Spoils System

DOJ gag order on his employees shows the impact of ending civil service protections.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Helped Tammy Baldwin
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Helped Tammy Baldwin

They picked the wrong candidate. That could hand election to Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: More Foxconn Bells and Whistles
Murphy’s Law

More Foxconn Bells and Whistles

They want a new venture fund and UW-Madison fund -- all subsidized by our taxes.

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy

State lags the Midwest in renewable energy, yet suddenly making great progress.