Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report
Murphy’s Law

Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report

And FPC Chair DeVougas looks even worse. 12 takeaways on what report did and didn't find.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?

More diverse than nearly 600 other cities, says new report. Should we believe it?

Murphy’s Law: Trump Tariffs Slam Wisconsin Economy
Murphy’s Law

Trump Tariffs Slam Wisconsin Economy

Bad for companies, workers, consumers — and probably for Trump's reelection chances.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Has a Speeding Problem
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Has a Speeding Problem

More speeding related fatalities than 32 states. And Milwaukee is 10th worst county in US.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Franchise Spirals In Value
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Franchise Spirals In Value

Now worth $1.2 billion. Players union demands financial records from Brewers, all MLB teams.

Murphy’s Law: Did High Court Order Hike State’s COVID Cases?
Murphy’s Law

Did High Court Order Hike State’s COVID Cases?

They’re definitely up since state Supreme Court ruling, and a faster rate than the nation.

Murphy’s Law: Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?
Murphy’s Law

Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?

Milwaukee’s powerful union has long gotten its way. But this time may be different.

Murphy’s Law: Tear Gas Is Dangerous, Experts Say
Murphy’s Law

Tear Gas Is Dangerous, Experts Say

And may increase risk of getting COVID-19. Mayor, others have urged police to stop its use.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Protests Won’t End
Murphy’s Law

Why the Protests Won’t End

9 reasons why the protests are different this time.

Murphy’s Law: Are Police Overreacting to Protests?
Murphy’s Law

Are Police Overreacting to Protests?

So says ACLU, others. Others want a tougher response. What’s the proper balance?

Murphy’s Law: More Than 150 Catholic Churches Opened
Murphy’s Law

More Than 150 Catholic Churches Opened

Many in Milwaukee Archdiocese offered Mass Sunday, in violation of city shutdown order.

Murphy’s Law: Wealthy Hospitals Grab Pandemic Payouts
Murphy’s Law

Wealthy Hospitals Grab Pandemic Payouts

Ascension Health and 19 other health care giants grab $5 billion in federal funds while smaller hospitals get little.