MKE County

2020 County Exec Race: Jim Sullivan Will Run For County Executive
2020 County Exec Race

Jim Sullivan Will Run For County Executive

County administrator and former legislator emphasizes need for sound management.

MKE County: Officials Urge Warming Centers to Open
MKE County

Officials Urge Warming Centers to Open

Serve homeless whenever temperatures below freezing, say Supervisors Shea and Taylor.

MKE County: Wilson Park Homeless Warming Center Debated
MKE County

Wilson Park Homeless Warming Center Debated

Public meeting gets unruly on proposal to let homeless sleep overnight in senior center.

MKE County:  New Area for South Shore Beach Chosen
MKE County

New Area for South Shore Beach Chosen

One of most polluted beaches in U.S. could be fixed -- if funding can be secured.

2020 County Exec Race: Six Now Running for County Executive
2020 County Exec Race

Six Now Running for County Executive

Democrat Chris Larson and Trump supporter Purnima Nath join four other candidates.

MKE County: Fox Point Trustee to Run for County Board
MKE County

Fox Point Trustee to Run for County Board

"Relatively frugal" liberal Democrat Liz Sumner to run for seat Lipscomb is vacating.

MKE County: All Quiet on the Budget Front
MKE County

All Quiet on the Budget Front

Board passes 2020 budget with no clashes with Abele and small change in spending.

MKE County: Proposal Lets County Workers Staff the Polls
MKE County

Proposal Lets County Workers Staff the Polls

Board supports employees getting paid time off to work at polling sites.

MKE County: Lipscomb Will Run for County Exec
MKE County

Lipscomb Will Run for County Exec

County Board chair says troubled finances must be focus of next county executive.

Transportation: Bus Drivers Ready (Again) To Strike

Bus Drivers Ready (Again) To Strike

Transit union leader says negotiations with MCTS going nowhere, threatens strike.

MKE County: Safe Houses for Domestic Violence Victims Proposed
MKE County

Safe Houses for Domestic Violence Victims Proposed

87% of victims request housing help. Proposal budgets $100,000 for temporary housing.

MKE County: Revised Budget Saves More Transit
MKE County

Revised Budget Saves More Transit

Board scrapes the barrel for funds to save bus routes, prevent various service cuts.