City Hall

City Hall: A Record Year For Honorary Street Names
City Hall

A Record Year For Honorary Street Names

Pastors, community leaders, mathematicians and former politicians are being recognized.

City Hall: Momentum Grows for Cash Payments To Low-Income Pregnant Women, New Mothers
City Hall

Momentum Grows for Cash Payments To Low-Income Pregnant Women, New Mothers

Unconditional cash payment program initiated by Zilber would be expanded with city funding.

City Hall: Growing MKE Plan Suffers Sudden Growing Pains
City Hall

Growing MKE Plan Suffers Sudden Growing Pains

Much criticism, fears of gentrification at hearing from central city residents.

City Hall: Attempt To Expand Disorderly Conduct Fine, Ban Bump Stocks Before RNC Fails
City Hall

Attempt To Expand Disorderly Conduct Fine, Ban Bump Stocks Before RNC Fails

Council members concerned about unintended consequences.

Despite Losing Lawsuit, Coalition To March on RNC Will Proceed Without Permit

Despite Losing Lawsuit, Coalition To March on RNC Will Proceed Without Permit

Group says it won't follow city's designated parade route.

City Hall: Council Wants State to Ban Bump Stocks
City Hall

Council Wants State to Ban Bump Stocks

Newly-relegalized gun modifier allows them to be fired at a speed compared to machine guns.

New Milwaukee Sales Tax Collections Slow, But Comptroller Isn’t Panicking

New Milwaukee Sales Tax Collections Slow, But Comptroller Isn’t Panicking

There are a lot of reasons initial proceeds are slow says Comptroller Bill Christianson.

City Hall: Large Milwaukee Buildings Will Be Required To Conduct Energy Benchmarks
City Hall

Large Milwaukee Buildings Will Be Required To Conduct Energy Benchmarks

Simply tracking the data expected to trigger process that cuts energy use by 2.4% per year.

City Hall: New Election Commission Director Approved
City Hall

New Election Commission Director Approved

Paulina Gutierrez has strong support of mayor, council president and commission staff.

City Hall: Council Hates For-Profit College, But Approves It Anyway
City Hall

Council Hates For-Profit College, But Approves It Anyway

Threat of lawsuit a factor as Arizona College of Nursing seeks to open on West Side.

City Hall: License Division Embraces Power of Babel
City Hall

License Division Embraces Power of Babel

Babel Blocks will deliver key information about licensing process in other languages.

Effort To Ban Guns From Area Around RNC Fails

Effort To Ban Guns From Area Around RNC Fails

Ald. Robert Bauman wanted to challenge state law, but his colleagues demur.