Real Estate

MKE Listing: Riverfront Third Ward Condo
MKE Listing

Riverfront Third Ward Condo

Has spectacular views, multiple private balconies, hickory wood floors and 2,300 square feet of living space

Eyes on Milwaukee: Urban Golf School Plans Expansion
Eyes on Milwaukee

Urban Golf School Plans Expansion

Bridging the Gap plans to expand educational offerings at near west side facility.

Beloit Billionaire Starts Charter School

Beloit Billionaire Starts Charter School

Children need better schools, says Diane Hendricks. It’s “divide and conquer,” says city official.

Plats and Parcels: MSOE Reshaping Its Campus
Plats and Parcels

MSOE Reshaping Its Campus

New STEM center, redeveloped residence hall just the latest changes.

Become a Member on Independence Day

Become a Member on Independence Day

Celebrate freedom and independent journalism with a discounted membership.

Friday Photos: The Electric Apartments Rise
Friday Photos

The Electric Apartments Rise

New apartment building in Historic Third Ward wraps electric substation.

Become a Member on Independence Day

Become a Member on Independence Day

Celebrate freedom and independent journalism with a discounted membership.

24,000 Rental Assistance Claims in Metro Area

24,000 Rental Assistance Claims in Metro Area

Social Development Commission swamped with requests, working its way through backlog.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Crump Wins Committee Support to Head DCD
Eyes on Milwaukee

Crump Wins Committee Support to Head DCD

New commissioner would serve in one of most visible, influential administration roles.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Biggest Ever Affordable Housing Project Advances
Eyes on Milwaukee

Biggest Ever Affordable Housing Project Advances

197-unit, $59 million Community Within the Corridor project would get $3 million from city.

Demand Up But Home Sales Down

Demand Up But Home Sales Down

Home owners reluctant to sell now, but low interest rates have buyers hot to buy, pushing up prices.

Urban Milwaukee’s Community Recovery Program

Urban Milwaukee’s Community Recovery Program

Urban Milwaukee will match your business dollar-for-dollar on any advertisements you run with us.