
Data Wonk: Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?
Data Wonk

Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?

Logic of the law’s supporters suggest this -- and other terrible things -- will happen.

Back in the News: Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah
Back in the News

Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah

The retired Republican lawmaker dumps on his party and explains how Walker snookered him on Act 10.

Plenty of Horne: Joe Davis Announces Plan for NBA Arena
Plenty of Horne

Joe Davis Announces Plan for NBA Arena

Actually, it wasn't really a plan. But it was a press conference.

Campaign Lies Difficult to Prosecute

Campaign Lies Difficult to Prosecute

Law against flagrantly false campaign ads makes prosecution difficult.

Murphy’s Law: Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?
Murphy’s Law

Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?

His campaign for president seems ridiculous. So why is he rising in the polls?

The State of Politics: Stories From the State Capitol
The State of Politics

Stories From the State Capitol

Six vignettes tell the story of how the Senate passed the Right-to-Work bill.

Bike Czar: Coalition Battles Bike Funding Cuts
Bike Czar

Coalition Battles Bike Funding Cuts

A coalition of environmental groups, business groups and others are lobbying legislators to change Walker's budget.

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

Walker’s Christmas Tree Budget

The budget has a flock of non-financial items -- 58 in all -- that will quietly change state polices.

Murphy’s Law: Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients
Murphy’s Law

Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients

Walker and Vos love the idea. So what will it cost and what will it accomplish?

The State of Politics: Legislators Move to Become Lobbyists
The State of Politics

Legislators Move to Become Lobbyists

Revolving door between governing and lobbying wide open, especially for Republicans.

“We Could Do a Lot More Outreach.”

“We Could Do a Lot More Outreach.”

UW System President Ray Cross discusses how an independently managed UW System might work.

Bike Czar: Walker Ends State Funding for Biking Program
Bike Czar

Walker Ends State Funding for Biking Program

His proposed budget eliminates all state funding for Transportation Alternatives Program.