Anti-Trade Movement Will Hurt State
Wisconsin is a net exporter of products, yet Trump, Clinton, Feingold oppose global trade pacts.
Aug 10th, 2016 by John Torinus19 Election Winners and Losers
Beyond the candidates, behind the scenes. who won, who lost?
Aug 10th, 2016 by Bruce MurphyCorporations Pour Money Into State Politics
They spend nearly $300,000 in first four months of 2016 to elect favored candidates.
Aug 9th, 2016 by Wisconsin Democracy CampaignSheriff Clarke Seeks 50% Tax Levy Increase
His budget request asks for 206 additional full-time positions, a 29% increase in his staff.
Aug 9th, 2016 by Gretchen SchuldtCan Tammy Baldwin’s Proposal Reduce Poverty?
Legislation to reform federal programs based on Milwaukee’s problems and expertise.
Aug 9th, 2016 by Brendan O’Brien, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceCan Chisholm Be Beaten?
The DA pleads for help as dark money from outside the county blasts him.
Aug 8th, 2016 by Bruce MurphyAnti-Poverty Programs Are a Success
Percent of people in poverty dropped from 26% to 16% since 1967, with big impact in Wisconsin.
Aug 8th, 2016 by Jon PeacockRising Property Taxes Replace State Funding
Portion of local schools funding coming from state has plummeted since mid-1990s.
Aug 8th, 2016 by State Sen. Kathleen VinehoutGood News on Worker’s Comp
Worker's comp rates decreased 3.2% which is good for Wisconsin's economy. But it could be a lot better.
Aug 5th, 2016 by John TorinusWalker’s Next Budget
It won't have higher gas taxes for roads, but might have more support for K-12 schools.
Aug 5th, 2016 by Tamarine Cornelius and Jon PeacockThrowing Rocks at the Google Bus
What is the systemic problem that sets the rich against the poor and the technologists against everybody else?
Aug 2nd, 2016 by Jeramey Jannene