
Op-Ed: Assembly Dems Point Way to Reform

Assembly Dems Point Way to Reform

Their Clean Elections Act seeks to fix broken campaign finance law.

Eyes on Milwaukee: How Bad (or Good) is Hammes HQ Design?
Eyes on Milwaukee

How Bad (or Good) is Hammes HQ Design?

Is it urban or suburban, Jeffersonian or Reaganesque? The debate has already begun.

Wisconsin Budget: State Budget Well Short of Projections
Wisconsin Budget

State Budget Well Short of Projections

2015-16 budget balance falls short, and tax growth this fiscal year puts biennial budget further behind.

The State of Politics: Will High Court Kill Assessment Process?
The State of Politics

Will High Court Kill Assessment Process?

Supreme Court case could let homeowners bar inspection yet dispute tax assessment.

Court Watch: City Could Get Tougher on Defendants
Court Watch

City Could Get Tougher on Defendants

Municipal Court already makes a profit but plan would toughen debt collections, hold cars, attach wages.

City Outlaws Panhandling on Medians, Ramps

City Outlaws Panhandling on Medians, Ramps

Violators could be fined or imprisoned.

Op-Ed: All the Way With the WMC

All the Way With the WMC

Wisconsin Manufacturers honors 65 legislators who followed their dictates on 100% of votes.

Op-Ed: Public Safety Plan Ignores the Community

Public Safety Plan Ignores the Community

Aldermen should work harder to consult residents and target underlying causes of crime.

House Confidential: Union Activist’s Brady Street Beauty
House Confidential

Union Activist’s Brady Street Beauty

The assessor loved the 1909 home's stained glass and bevelled leaded glass windows.

City’s Lead Water Lines At Issue

City’s Lead Water Lines At Issue

Activist group demands more action, replacing all service lines could cost more than $700 million.

Murphys Law: Rojo On The Rebound
Murphys Law

Rojo On The Rebound

Ron Johnson is fired up and rising in the polls. Can he beat Feingold?

Op-Ed: Can Republicans Recover From Trump?

Can Republicans Recover From Trump?

Party needs a new brand, new policies, more pragmatism.