
Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico

And how Trump’s get-tough policies will hurt the state.

Voting Wars: Wisconsin Has No Voter Impersonation Problem
Voting Wars

Wisconsin Has No Voter Impersonation Problem

Gov. Scott Walker says the lack of voter impersonation cases does not matter if there is a chance that even one vote is canceled out by fraud.

The State of Politics: Assembly GOP Upstage Walker’s Budget
The State of Politics

Assembly GOP Upstage Walker’s Budget

Republican leaders announce “Forward” agenda, six months before Gov. Walker gives his 2017-19 budget to the new Legislature.

Voting Wars: College Students Face Unique Barriers to Voting
Voting Wars

College Students Face Unique Barriers to Voting

Courts have thrown out some requirements, but most college IDs can’t be used.

Limited Funds for Bike Trails, Bike Safety

Limited Funds for Bike Trails, Bike Safety

WisDOT grabs more than half of $16 million for biking, walking and spends on roads.

WisTax: State Losing Population Though Migration

State Losing Population Though Migration

27,000 people migrated since 2010, as Wisconsin's workforce declines.

Voting Wars: The New Era of Restricting Voting
Voting Wars

The New Era of Restricting Voting

Wisconsin one of 20 states with a maze of new rules, as 1,400 new laws added 37 different voting requirements.

Data Wonk: The Decline of Reaganism
Data Wonk

The Decline of Reaganism

The Church of the Gipper is defied by Donald Trump. Will Republicans adjust their ideology?

The State of Politics: Will Lawmakers Dare Raise Beer Tax?
The State of Politics

Will Lawmakers Dare Raise Beer Tax?

Two Democrats propose first increase in 47 years. It may be a lonely crusade.

Murphy’s Law: The New Charlie Sykes
Murphy’s Law

The New Charlie Sykes

He's confessing his errors and getting lots of publicity. Could there be a connection?

Op-Ed: Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Trump supporter warns of taco trucks on every corner; Latino leaders mobilize voters.

Op-Ed: The New Bidding War for Teachers

The New Bidding War for Teachers

Act 10 has opened door to bidding war and smaller, poorer districts losing out.