
The State of Politics: 10 Tough Questions About Foxconn Deal
The State of Politics

10 Tough Questions About Foxconn Deal

Why legislators are squirming about whether to vote for it.

Grassroots Group Targets Sheriff Clarke

Grassroots Group Targets Sheriff Clarke

But Clarke calls group’s leaders “mush-minds” and “rabble rousers.”

Campaign Cash: Did Foxconn Lobby Illegally?
Campaign Cash

Did Foxconn Lobby Illegally?

Began meeting with state officials in April, didn’t register as lobbyist until August.

Wisconsin Budget: State’s Wealth Gap Keeps Growing
Wisconsin Budget

State’s Wealth Gap Keeps Growing

Since 1970s income of top 1% rose 130%, other 99% grew by just 9%.

Op Ed: Renegotiate the Foxconn Deal
Op Ed

Renegotiate the Foxconn Deal

Need firm guarantees on number of jobs and range of wages.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law

State agencies now have less power to protect environment, consumer rights, public health.

Op Ed: Will Stepp Join U.S. EPA Wrecking Crew?
Op Ed

Will Stepp Join U.S. EPA Wrecking Crew?

Her radical reshaping of state DNR may make her the perfect candidate.

Council Supports Restricting Asset Forfeiture

Council Supports Restricting Asset Forfeiture

Would only be allowed for convicted criminals. Milwaukee police opposed change.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Desperate Deal With Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Desperate Deal With Foxconn

No governor in state history would have offered such a massive giveaway.

Campaign Cash: Who Are State’s Dark Money Leaders?
Campaign Cash

Who Are State’s Dark Money Leaders?

MMAC, Chris Abele, liberal Greater Wisconsin Committee lead the way in 2017.

Data Wonk: Walker’s Health Care Gamble Exposes State
Data Wonk

Walker’s Health Care Gamble Exposes State

He bet on health care exchanges and against expanding Medicaid, which could hurt Wisconsin.

Campaign Cash: How Much Do DOJ Civil Suits Cost?
Campaign Cash

How Much Do DOJ Civil Suits Cost?

Bill requires state AG to disclose cost of many suits against federal government.