
Murphy’s Law: Can Dallet Win Supreme Court Primary?
Murphy’s Law

Can Dallet Win Supreme Court Primary?

Outspoken Madison liberal Tim Burns stands in her way.

Op Ed: UW Extension Could Have More Impact
Op Ed

UW Extension Could Have More Impact

Its 1600 employees could beef up depleted regional UW campuses.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Grills Mayor, City Health Staff
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Grills Mayor, City Health Staff

Tense meeting with unprecedented scrutiny of mayor and few answers from staff.

Data Wonk: Behold the Elephant Chart
Data Wonk

Behold the Elephant Chart

It shows global and U.S. changes benefit 1%; who are the losers?

Op Ed: Water Pollution Skyrockets Under Walker
Op Ed

Water Pollution Skyrockets Under Walker

His own data shows addition of 804 polluted waterways.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Launches Health Dept. Probe
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Launches Health Dept. Probe

In wake of Bevan Baker's ouster, council investigating Barrett administration decisions.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Settles with American Sewer
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Settles with American Sewer

Embattled firm loses nearly $1 million in work.

Campaign Cash: GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race

Republican Jarchow raised more, has more dark money than Democrat Schachtner.

Op Ed: Johnson Won’t Tell Truth on Obamacare
Op Ed

Johnson Won’t Tell Truth on Obamacare

Senator claims it’s hated, but ACA now has highest support, especially Trump voters.

Ryan Lauds New Tax Plan

Ryan Lauds New Tax Plan

House Speaker says Republicans have created one of best tax codes in the world.

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

Republican assembly districts are up to 96% white, senate districts as high as 95% white.

The State of Politics: Republican Bill Limits Wheel Tax
The State of Politics

Republican Bill Limits Wheel Tax

Local wheel taxes increased 73% in 2017; bill requires referendum approval.