
Federal Policing Money Flowing to City

Federal Policing Money Flowing to City

Relentless Pursuit grant, Tougher on Crime grant, DNC funding lead the list.

Murphy’s Law: About that Miller Park Economic Impact
Murphy’s Law

About that Miller Park Economic Impact

New study greatly exaggerates the benefits — as it was expected to do.

City Hall: Police To Lease Two Buildings During DNC
City Hall

Police To Lease Two Buildings During DNC

Locations well outside Downtown for "security-related purposes" during convention.

City Hall: City’s Permit Could Charge Summerfest
City Hall

City’s Permit Could Charge Summerfest

Revised special events permit could charge festival full price of police security.

Court Watch: Kelly, Karofsky Divide the County
Court Watch

Kelly, Karofsky Divide the County

Karofsky wins Milwaukee and North Shore, Kelly wins southern suburbs in high court race.

Op Ed: Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander
Op Ed

Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander

Their claim that Iowa model for nonpartisan redistricting is unconstitutional is dead wrong.

The State of Politics: Who Will Turn Out for April Election?
The State of Politics

Who Will Turn Out for April Election?

There might be a far bigger Republican turnout than some expect.

Op Ed: Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race
Op Ed

Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race

Kelly vs Karofsky will test the organizing, fundraising abilities of both parties.

Milwaukee County Wants Alternatives to Youth Incarceration

Milwaukee County Wants Alternatives to Youth Incarceration

After the legislature failed to fund new facilities, Milwaukee County continues to explore alternatives to locking kids up.

Op Ed: “Tougher On Crime” Bills Make No Sense
Op Ed

“Tougher On Crime” Bills Make No Sense

Sen. Jon Erpenbach blasts recent "Tougher on Crime" legislation. Argues for increased education funding.

Trade War Wounds May Heal Soon

Trade War Wounds May Heal Soon

Job losses may be slowing and new trade agreements are offering hope.

Body Cam Bill Passes State Legislature

Body Cam Bill Passes State Legislature

Bill creates uniform rules for use of body cameras throughout the state.