
How to Make Your Voice Heard Without An Alder

How to Make Your Voice Heard Without An Alder

2nd and 3rd districts, formerly held by Mayor Johnson and Nik Kovac, now lack representation.

Vos Appoints Attorney Don Millis to Elections Commission

Vos Appoints Attorney Don Millis to Elections Commission

Republican previously served on WEC, and decades ago, on Wisconsin Elections Board.

Evers Provides $1 Million for Summer Jobs, Activities for Milwaukee Youth

Evers Provides $1 Million for Summer Jobs, Activities for Milwaukee Youth

Part of $100 million for crime reduction in Milwaukee from governor’s office.

State Supreme Court Sets Record For 4-3 Rulings

State Supreme Court Sets Record For 4-3 Rulings

Most this term in 70 years, with Hagedorn almost always the deciding vote.

Data Wonk: The Right Wing Answer to Gun Violence
Data Wonk

The Right Wing Answer to Gun Violence

Radio talker Dan O’Donnell has marshalled his facts. Let’s consider the data.

Grothman, Gallagher Face No Opponents

Grothman, Gallagher Face No Opponents

Only Wisconsin congressional districts without a Democrat on the ballot.

‘Tangled Series’ of Abortion Laws Since 1849

‘Tangled Series’ of Abortion Laws Since 1849

Wisconsin has had many laws passed on abortion which could cause confusion if Roe overturned.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers

Board member Cleta Mitchell and Bradley-funded group train army of zealots to watch over elections.

MKE County: County Creates New Youth Commission
MKE County

County Creates New Youth Commission

Giving 20 young people public service experience and a chance to help shape youth-related policies.

Gregory Haanstad Named U.S Attorney

Gregory Haanstad Named U.S Attorney

Nominee, if confirmed, would get second term as U.S. Attorney and top prosecutor for Southeast Wisconsin.

Flush With Federal Funds, Schools Face Long-Term Drought

Flush With Federal Funds, Schools Face Long-Term Drought

MPS, Madison face state funding squeeze and rising costs due to inflation.

City Hall: Ieshuh Griffin Booted From Ballot In Two Aldermanic Races
City Hall

Ieshuh Griffin Booted From Ballot In Two Aldermanic Races

Griffin attempted to run to replace both Cavalier Johnson and Nik Kovac.