
Bipartisan Assembly Bill 409 passes Assembly

Bipartisan Assembly Bill 409 passes Assembly

Bill requires independent investigations of officer-involved deaths

Jonathan Brostoff Endorses Chris Moews for Milwaukee County Sheriff

Jonathan Brostoff Endorses Chris Moews for Milwaukee County Sheriff

Jonathan Brostoff, candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly District 19, announced his endorsement today of Lieutenant Chris Moews for Milwaukee County Sheriff.

Rep. Richards Moves to Criminalize First Drunken Driving Offenses

Rep. Richards Moves to Criminalize First Drunken Driving Offenses

Rep. Jon Richards unveiled legislation to criminalize first-offense drunken driving.

Milwaukee County Supervisors David F. Bowen and Khalif Rainey Criticize County Executive on Veto of Living Wage Ordinance

Milwaukee County Supervisors David F. Bowen and Khalif Rainey Criticize County Executive on Veto of Living Wage Ordinance

“I urge my colleagues on the County Board to override this veto. The working poor are depending on people of conscience to help lift them out of poverty.”

Under new configuration, Finance and Personnel Committee will continue precedent of fiscal responsibility

Under new configuration, Finance and Personnel Committee will continue precedent of fiscal responsibility

I would like to thank Common Council President Michael Murphy for entrusting me with the responsibility of chairing the City of Milwaukee’s Finance and Personnel Committee.

Common Council President Murphy announces election for 15th District

Common Council President Murphy announces election for 15th District

The start date for circulating nomination papers was February 11.

Jonathan Brostoff Gives Support for Marriage Equality Amendment

Jonathan Brostoff Gives Support for Marriage Equality Amendment

The amendment would repeal a previous constitution amendment made in 2006 that banned gay marriage in Wisconsin.

Supervisor Taylor Welcomes State Bill Concerning County Mental Health Care Changes But Believes it Does Not Go Far Enough

Supervisor Taylor Welcomes State Bill Concerning County Mental Health Care Changes But Believes it Does Not Go Far Enough

The State of Wisconsin has in the past successfully taken over administration of certain functions of Milwaukee County government, such as the Income Maintenance Program.

Bill Gutting Living Wage Laws Moves Forward

Bill Gutting Living Wage Laws Moves Forward

Today, Republicans in the Assembly Labor Committee passed Assembly Bill 750.

ACLU Supports Bill to Repeal Ban on Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

ACLU Supports Bill to Repeal Ban on Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

The American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin commends two state lawmakers for introducing a bill today to repeal Wisconsin’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples.

Growth, Age, of Wisconsin Healthcare Signups Continue to Raise Concerns

Growth, Age, of Wisconsin Healthcare Signups Continue to Raise Concerns

Wisconsin's enrollment falls behind MN, IL, Nation both in increase in enrolled and in average age.

February Wisconsin Obamacare Enrollment Update

February Wisconsin Obamacare Enrollment Update

56,436 Have Signed Up in WI: Numbers Surpass Expectations