Sophia Barnes
"I hope that one day Milwaukee can be a beautiful hub for diverse business owners."
Apr 2nd, 2018 by NewaukeeAlecia Dickfoss
"We rarely will travel outside of the city to find something different to do."
Mar 26th, 2018 by NewaukeeThe Life of a Muralist
Milwaukee artist has done murals in Milwaukee, Mexico and Colombia.
Feb 22nd, 2018 by Emmy A. YatesDanielle Decker
"Milwaukee is a tremendous asset to the Midwest..."
Feb 19th, 2018 by NewaukeeKristen D. Hardy
"Milwaukee really shines in the summer and autumn..."
Feb 12th, 2018 by NewaukeeLee Rowley
"In the current climate of America, I think there’s a significant need for safe and open space to explore, create, and perform comedy."
Feb 5th, 2018 by NewaukeeActivist Tackles Education Disparities
YWCA community engagement manager Jamaal Smith pushes for change.
Jan 17th, 2018 by Leah Harris, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceWe Need a New NAFTA
Trade agreement with Mexico and Canada kills jobs, lowers wages in state.
Jan 16th, 2018 by David NewbyThe MPS Agency Superintendents Hate
Efficiency office created in 2010 reports to board members. But is it needed?
Jan 16th, 2018 by Bruce MurphyJanice Vogt
"I would create a subway system or an incredibly intricate network of streetcars from city limit to city limit."
Jan 8th, 2018 by NewaukeeRosy Lopez
"I have always wanted to stay and give back to my city..."
Dec 11th, 2017 by Newaukee