
UAW, Environmentalists Challenge Postal Truck Contract

UAW, Environmentalists Challenge Postal Truck Contract

Auto workers union, Natural Resources Defense Council sue U.S. Postal Service.

6 Wisconsin Tribes Oppose Bill Scrapping Wolf Protections

6 Wisconsin Tribes Oppose Bill Scrapping Wolf Protections

Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson sponsor bill to lift federal wolf protections.

City Hall: Perez Shakes Up Committee Assignments
City Hall

Perez Shakes Up Committee Assignments

Musical chairs game has new leaders at the helm of city's most powerful committees.

Op Ed: Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’
Op Ed

Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’

Candidate for governor has long record of political donations, lobbying, state contracts.

Democratic US Senate Primary Tightens In Poll

Democratic US Senate Primary Tightens In Poll

Marquette poll also shows Evers' approval steady, Ron Johnson’s declined further.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’

Research it helped fund demonized young Black males, leading to long prison sentences.

Legislators Rewrite State Plan for Federal Highway Money

Legislators Rewrite State Plan for Federal Highway Money

Finance committee makes sure funds to reduce congestion can’t support bicycle, pedestrian travel.

Data Wonk: How Do City, State Rank In Gun Homicides?
Data Wonk

How Do City, State Rank In Gun Homicides?

Guns in household less of a factor than a state’s legal restrictions.

Vos Keeps Gableman Investigation Going

Vos Keeps Gableman Investigation Going

Though contract for probe was expiring, Speaker says it will continue, after pressure from Trump.

Will County Renew Fresh Food Share Program?

Will County Renew Fresh Food Share Program?

ARPA money doubles food share dollars spent at farmers markets. Board must approve plan.

Special Report: Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?
Special Report

Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?

Private lawyer and partisan group heavily involved in taxpayer funded election probe.

Back in the News: Barnes, Nelson Argue Over I-94 Expansion
Back in the News

Barnes, Nelson Argue Over I-94 Expansion

Could it be an issue in Democratic primary for U.S. Senate?