Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds
Murphy’s Law

Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds

It’s cost state taxpayers $1.1 billion. Why won’t Republicans accept the money?

Murphy’s Law: City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?
Murphy’s Law

City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?

Vince Bobot announces for job, leading to speculation Langley may retire after 36 years.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax

Once they promoted this user fee, now they’d rather roads fall apart. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant

New specs show its vastly smaller than the original plan. And not the LCD plant promised.

Murphy’s Law: The New Conservative Heavyweight
Murphy’s Law

The New Conservative Heavyweight

Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty is on the rise, pushing a right-wing agenda.

Murphy’s Law: State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims
Murphy’s Law

State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims

Study finds Wisconsin has nearly double the national rate and 91% killed with guns.

Murphy’s Law: CEO Salaries Hit Historic High
Murphy’s Law

CEO Salaries Hit Historic High

Average top exec earned $34.4 million in 2018, 660 times the average worker's pay.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Plays Politics for Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Plays Politics for Trump?

Both Trump and its CEO need Foxconn to look successful for the 2020 election.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana
Murphy’s Law

Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana

State Sen. Patrick Testin could be the key man in the success or failure of proposal.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Bets on Harder Paywall
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Bets on Harder Paywall

Making it tougher for casual readers to get access. Will that help or hurt?

Murphy’s Law: How Walker Wrecked State’s Prisons
Murphy’s Law

How Walker Wrecked State’s Prisons

Overworked staff, high turnover, rising overtime costs and violence plague the prisons.

Murphy’s Law: Average UWM Student Debt Rose 194%
Murphy’s Law

Average UWM Student Debt Rose 194%

New study shows Wisconsin has more students in debt than 44 states. Any solution?