Pop Culture

MFF Preview: All Tomorrow’s Parties
MFF Preview

All Tomorrow’s Parties

Music fest documentary depicts community as the ultimate 'mix tape.'

Beyond Camp and Campbell’s — Andy Warhol: The Last Decade at MAM
Beyond Camp and Campbell’s — Andy Warhol

The Last Decade at MAM

The Milwaukee Art Museum exhibit celebrates a pop-art icon whose work spans the whimsical, the extraordinary and always the abstract.

Cultural Zero: Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt.6)
Cultural Zero

Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt.6)

In final entry, the band takes a realistic view of its cross-country tour that allowed for travel, friends, adventure and music in front of people who appreciated it.

Cultural Zero: Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt. 5)
Cultural Zero

Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt. 5)

The journey home begins. Denver! Wichita! Warrensburg! Energy drinks galore!

Cultural Zero: Skirting Death With IfiHadAHiFi (Pt. 4)
Cultural Zero

Skirting Death With IfiHadAHiFi (Pt. 4)

Tire troubles may have had band members on edge, but it didn't affect their onstage performance.

Cultural Zero: Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt. 3)
Cultural Zero

Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi (Pt. 3)

The band leads the charge to San Francisco with 204,000 miles on the odometer and $302 in the band fund: better than ever. Will they make it to their set with Mount Vicious? FIND OUT!

Cultural Zero: Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi. (Pt. 2)
Cultural Zero

Skirting Death with IfIHadAHiFi. (Pt. 2)

Leaving Missoula with $94, a pocketful of memories and hope for the West Coast leg. Will our heroes make it to Seattle?

The Wizard of Waukesha

The Wizard of Waukesha

Les Paul is forever.

Cultural Zero: CRABCORE!
Cultural Zero


Thanks, mid-00s hardcore kids! You’ve given us Attack Attack! And Confide! And their stupid layered hairdos! Get off my lawn!

Mark Metcalf does Mad Men: Part two
Mark Metcalf does Mad Men

Part two

The suit does the talking: the second essay in Mark's two-part series about auditioning for, and appearing in, the hit TV show Mad Men.

Deep-Fried Romantic: The Treehouse that Never Was
Deep-Fried Romantic

The Treehouse that Never Was

It started out with a simple suggestion from my sister to Dad. So far it has resulted in family debate, referencing local law books, price checks at the lumber store and a spray-painted pine.

Cultural Zero: Memo to MKE–It’s OK, you don’t have to support Chester French
Cultural Zero

Memo to MKE–It’s OK, you don’t have to support Chester French

This band is not very good. At all. In fact, based on their first single, they are horrible, boring, no-good limp-dicked tripe.