
MPS Relief Funds Don’t Air Condition Buildings

MPS Relief Funds Don’t Air Condition Buildings

Temperature hit the 90s last week and many buildings lack AC.

COVID-19 Surging in Western Wisconsin

COVID-19 Surging in Western Wisconsin

La Crosse County has 15-fold increase in cases, hospital beds 90% full.

Assembly Majority Leader Opposes Suing UW

Assembly Majority Leader Opposes Suing UW

Steineke backs Thompson’s resistance to legislative oversight of UW System pandemic rules.

UW System Prez Not Backing Down On Mask Mandate

UW System Prez Not Backing Down On Mask Mandate

Interim President Tommy Thompson warns GOP legislators not to pick a fight.

Family Files Complaint For Discrimination Against Native Students

Family Files Complaint For Discrimination Against Native Students

Family says Ashland School District enforced COVID-19 policies differently for Native compared to white students.

State Superintendent, Pediatricians Push Universal Masking in Schools

State Superintendent, Pediatricians Push Universal Masking in Schools

Masking in schools backed by CDC, public health officials and pediatrics associations.

MKE County: Supervisor Pushes Vaccine Mandate
MKE County

Supervisor Pushes Vaccine Mandate

Ryan Clancy pushing County Executive Crowley to enact vaccine mandate for county workers.

COVID-19 Appeared Earlier Than Previously Thought

COVID-19 Appeared Earlier Than Previously Thought

First cases in Wisconsin, other states, came in January, not February.

Outreach Efforts Getting More Vaccinated

Outreach Efforts Getting More Vaccinated

Health clinics, literacy centers reaching out to immigrants and low-income people.

Thompson Will Disobey Republican Order

Thompson Will Disobey Republican Order

‘I am going to stand my ground, keep students safe and healthy,’ says UW leader and former GOP governor.

Op Ed: Let Us Run the UW System
Op Ed

Let Us Run the UW System

We answer to the Board of Regents and are responsible of the health of students. Let us do our job.

City Hall: Barrett Imposes Vaccine Mandate For City Workers
City Hall

Barrett Imposes Vaccine Mandate For City Workers

All except police and fire fighters must have proof of COVID-19 vaccination by October 29.