
21 Likely Drug Deaths In One Week

21 Likely Drug Deaths In One Week

County Medical Examiner's Office on pace to handle 500 overdose deaths this year.

City’s African American Auto Deaths Soar

City’s African American Auto Deaths Soar

Up by 93% in five years, report finds. Statistic is “shocking,” says Ald. Murphy

10 Milwaukee Resources for Domestic Violence Victims

10 Milwaukee Resources for Domestic Violence Victims

These organizations are equipped to help those suffering from domestic violence.

Bipartisan Water Quality Bills Pass

Bipartisan Water Quality Bills Pass

Though, they do not make it through the sharply divide legislature without some disagreement.

Poor Quality Housing Causes Health Problems

Poor Quality Housing Causes Health Problems

Report by Community Advocates links health and housing, offers recommendations to make housing more affordable.

Bill Addressing High Drug Prices Advances

Bill Addressing High Drug Prices Advances

Assembly will take up bipartisan legislation, amendments, on Tuesday.

Coronavirus and When to Wear Masks

Coronavirus and When to Wear Masks

As the disease spreads, what do public health officials advise?

Campaign Cash: Big Money Groups Oppose PFAS Regulation
Campaign Cash

Big Money Groups Oppose PFAS Regulation

Wisconsin Manufacturers, other business groups spent $8.5 million on campaigns, oppose regulating “forever chemicals."

Flu Hospitalizations Spike in Wisconsin

Flu Hospitalizations Spike in Wisconsin

State saw 100 hospitalizations in half a day.

AG Objects to Relaxed Lead Pipe Rules

AG Objects to Relaxed Lead Pipe Rules

Kaul joins other Attorneys General in objection to new EPA rules for lead pipe removal.

GOP Pushes Fetal Personhood

GOP Pushes Fetal Personhood

Republican legislators introduce an amendment to the state constitution that gives personhood to fertilized eggs.

State Voters Lean Against Medicare for All

State Voters Lean Against Medicare for All

Poll shows 47% prefer it while 53% prefer improving Affordable Care Act.