How to Protest During a Pandemic
Local health officials offers do's and don'ts that could save your life.
Jun 2nd, 2020 by Graham KilmerLGBTQ Bar Holding Virtual Pride Festival
PrideFest is cancelled, but This Is It! will be streaming drag shows and DJ performances.
Jun 2nd, 2020 by Graham KilmerCOVID-19 Testing Volume Falls to Three-Week Low
But percentage positive doesn't exceed weekly average.
Jun 1st, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneMore Than 150 Catholic Churches Opened
Many in Milwaukee Archdiocese offered Mass Sunday, in violation of city shutdown order.
Jun 1st, 2020 by Bruce MurphyWisconsin Reports Record Low COVID-19 Positive Case Rate
Only 173 new cases recorded Sunday.
May 31st, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneLessons Learned from Past Public Health Battles
UW-Madison Historian Judith Walzer Leavitt discusses historical lessons for the current pandemic.
May 31st, 2020 by Andy Soth, WisContext100,000 Dead. And Still Rising
And it didn’t have to happen.
May 31st, 2020 by Gregory HumphreyMilwaukee Opening New Northside Community Testing Site
Site will be on Custer High School campus, replaces Midtown Center.
May 31st, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneMore People COVID-19 Tested This Week Than All of April
But COVID-19 data continues to send mixed signals
May 31st, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneState Children May Have Rare COVID-19 Syndrome
A few possible cases. Many states have reported cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.
May 30th, 2020 by Shamane Mills, Wisconsin Public RadioMilwaukee Has 9 p.m. Curfew, Evers Calls In National Guard
Peaceful protests became violent overnight.
May 30th, 2020 by Jeramey Jannene213 Waupun Inmates Have COVID-19
18% of 1,181 inmates tested positive, along with 15 staff members at prison.
May 30th, 2020 by Danielle Kaeding