
Instagram Famous Ceramics Shop Moving to Bay View

Instagram Famous Ceramics Shop Moving to Bay View

Lolly Lolly Ceramics gained national attention for producing 100 unique mugs in 100 days.

Delta COVID-19 Strain in Wisconsin

Delta COVID-19 Strain in Wisconsin

Vaccination important to fighting highly contagious strain.

Budget Committee Approves Healthcare Spending Increase

Budget Committee Approves Healthcare Spending Increase

State Legislature's Joint Finance Committee cuts governor's budget for aging, disability services.

Boswell Books’ Owner Recommends Five Books for Summer

Boswell Books’ Owner Recommends Five Books for Summer

Daniel Goldin makes suggestions for this summer's beach reads, including one by a local author.

State Assembly Passes Transgender Athlete Bill

State Assembly Passes Transgender Athlete Bill

Legislation would bar transgender women from playing on female athletic teams.

Op Ed: Republicans Running On Resentment
Op Ed

Republicans Running On Resentment

They are betting voters would rather see less for poor people than more for everyone.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Barrett, Officials Celebrate Couture Groundbreaking
Eyes on Milwaukee

Barrett, Officials Celebrate Couture Groundbreaking

Nine years after building was first proposed. 'Like making sausage. It's not pretty.'

Data Wonk: The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden
Data Wonk

The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden

If anything they helped Trump, an analysis of state election results show.

Op-Ed: State Budget May Impact Your Child’s Classroom

State Budget May Impact Your Child’s Classroom

GOP legislators' budget could worsen the growing shortage of teachers.

Sponsored: Americans in Spain | June 11–October 3

Americans in Spain | June 11–October 3

Journey to Spain and explore the early influence of its art and culture on American painters. See more than 100 works of art in person!

Eyes on Milwaukee: Third Ward Tower’s Design Approved
Eyes on Milwaukee

Third Ward Tower’s Design Approved

$140 million, 32-floor apartment tower gets okayed by Historic Third Ward board.

25 Summer Resources For Kids

25 Summer Resources For Kids

For recreation, classes, safety, health and healing