
E. State St. Going Two-ways!  Almost.

E. State St. Going Two-ways! Almost.

As key component of the downtown plan the City of Milwaukee set a goal of returning streets in the downtown area to two-way traffic.

Exit Freeway, Get Drunk?

Exit Freeway, Get Drunk?

A driver pulls his Ford 150 off at an exit on I-94, and proceeds to cut across the parking lot of the newest sprawling mall development in Wisconsin. He then takes two spots in the Flingers parking lot, far enough from other cars to avoid door dings, but more importantly aimed perfectly for a quick exit. At Flingers he orders extreme fajitas, throws down a few bombs, be it the car bomb, Jaeger bomb, cherry bomb, and a couple that he's convinced the bartender just made up.

S. 2nd Street Street Re-design Approved at Committee

S. 2nd Street Street Re-design Approved at Committee

For over a year business owners, property owners, and residents in Walker's Point have worked to have S. 2nd Street rebuilt with people in mind. The plan, as UrbanMilwaukee.com has covered in past, includes narrowing the street from 58 feet to 50 feet, removing travel lanes, and adding bike lanes, street trees, and new lighting with the goal of creating a street conducive to multiple modes of transportation, be it walking, biking, or driving.

Megabus Unveils New Bus Schedules for Milwaukee

Megabus Unveils New Bus Schedules for Milwaukee

Megabus, the no-frills intercity bus company with an intriguing pricing scheme starting at $1, has revised their service schedule between Milwaukee and Chicago. Unfortunately two trips have been eliminated in each direction. One can only assume it's because of the economy and that January through March has always been a down travel period for Megabus (something they compensate for by giving away 100,000 tickets).

Miller Brewing Unevils Annual Holiday Lights

Miller Brewing Unevils Annual Holiday Lights

In what serves as the unofficial start of winter in my book, MillerCoors (still weird to say) unveiled their annual holiday lights display last week. This year's display features 250,000 LED lights and as in years past, the music of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

The Monarch Trail?

The Monarch Trail?

"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them." - Bill Vaughan

The Bookends Development is Sent Back to Committee

The Bookends Development is Sent Back to Committee

At the December 1st, 2009 meeting of the Milwaukee Common Council the Cooperation and Development Agreement for the Bookends development was sent back to the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee. The agreement would of authorized a $3.45 million loan guarantee from the City of Milwaukee to the development team, of New Land Enterprises and Weichman Enterprises, for the Bookends apartment development.

Streets are for People

Streets are for People

"The right of way doesn't just belong to cars," he said. "It belongs to pedestrians and bicyclists as well." - U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

Big Rally for Transit Funding on Saturday

Big Rally for Transit Funding on Saturday

Below is a message from Kerry Thomas of Transit Now, a leading champion of mass transit for the Milwaukee region. There is a rally on Saturday in West Allis for transit funding for MCTS. We'll be there, and we hope to see you there. Milwaukee can't afford to have MCTS in shambles. Milwaukee needs dedicated transit funding.

Have a Happy Urbanist Black Friday!

Have a Happy Urbanist Black Friday!

Black Friday is just around the corner, and we want in with the Wal-Mart's and Best Buy's of the world. No we're not opening a big box store at Pabst Farms, but we are unveiling a new feature on the site. If you're one of those inquisitive types that likes to read books (or even someone that just likes to own books to look smart), please consider buying a book from our list of recommended urbanist books.

Ban Sticker Advertisements on Cars

Ban Sticker Advertisements on Cars

Undoubtedly if you've walked around the East Side of Milwaukee for an extended period of time you've encountered a "Part Time Cash" sticker on the window of a car, or laying next to the curb. And therein lies the problem.

Regionalism is About Place Making

Regionalism is About Place Making

What is regionalism?