
2019 MANDI Nominee: MATC Program Has Helped Thousands
2019 MANDI Nominee

MATC Program Has Helped Thousands

Launched in 2017, MATC Promise provides free tuition to low- and middle-income students.

School Leaders Back Evers Funding Plan

School Leaders Back Evers Funding Plan

Governor’s budget has $1.4 billion hike in K-12 funding; GOP likely to scale that back.

Data Wonk: Why is MPS Shrinking?
Data Wonk

Why is MPS Shrinking?

Because it opposes the choices of many of its customers.

Op Ed: School Mental Health Program Funding Needed
Op Ed

School Mental Health Program Funding Needed

Evers proposes $63 million in funding, an investment that could have big payoff.

Vote Tuesday for Milwaukee School Board

Vote Tuesday for Milwaukee School Board

February 19th primary has one race: MPS board seat for south side & downtown district.

State Trails Nation on School Breakfasts

State Trails Nation on School Breakfasts

17% of schools don’t offer breakfasts, putting Wisconsin near bottom nationally.

The State of Politics: Evers Gives 45% of Taxes To K-12 schools
The State of Politics

Evers Gives 45% of Taxes To K-12 schools

Plus his budget doubles special education funding. Expect a battle with GOP legislators.

Special Ed Funding Gap Hits $1 Billion

Special Ed Funding Gap Hits $1 Billion

That’s per year, new report says. Schools required to provide education, but it's grossly underfunded.

Why Don’t Students Want To Be Teachers?

Why Don’t Students Want To Be Teachers?

UW Task Force examines reasons for decline in education majors in Wisconsin.

Op Ed: Many College Students Are Hungry, Homeless
Op Ed

Many College Students Are Hungry, Homeless

MATC faculty starts fund to help students, holding benefit on February 15.

Evers Budget Will ‘Put Kids First’

Evers Budget Will ‘Put Kids First’

His chief of staff says governor’s budget will prioritize K-12 schools, UW System.

The Contrarian: Evers Backs Off On Killing Vouchers
The Contrarian

Evers Backs Off On Killing Vouchers

Governor admits it can’t be done. His own DPI data shows why it shouldn’t be done.