
Op Ed: Are State’s Schools Rolling In Dough?
Op Ed

Are State’s Schools Rolling In Dough?

Republican legislators think Milwaukee Public Schools getting away with something.

Search for UW System President Starting Soon

Search for UW System President Starting Soon

Last search, led by UW Regent Michael M. Grebe, ended in controversy and indecision.

School Districts End Mask Requirement

School Districts End Mask Requirement

Rural and suburban school districts across state relent, often pressured by parents.

Evers Can Remake UW Regents Board

Evers Can Remake UW Regents Board

After 3 new appointments up in May, he will have picked majority of board.

Op Ed: UW System Has Aging, Rundown Buildings
Op Ed

UW System Has Aging, Rundown Buildings

UW-Madison’s Van Hise Hall crumbling. Evers, Thompson push for capital budget funding.

K-12 Education: The Fight Over Standardized Testing
K-12 Education

The Fight Over Standardized Testing

MPS, urban school systems push federal government for testing waivers, citing lost instruction time during pandemic.

UW Chancellors Push for More Funding

UW Chancellors Push for More Funding

Blank and Mone contest legislators claim that UW system can rely on federal stimulus money.

Bill Requires MPS Reimburse Private School Transportation Costs

Bill Requires MPS Reimburse Private School Transportation Costs

When MPS went virtual, it stopped providing transportation for private school students.

Data Wonk: The Paradox of Voucher Schools
Data Wonk

The Paradox of Voucher Schools

They work better than MPS schools for minority students. Yet most Democrats oppose them.

New State COVID-19 Testing For Schools

New State COVID-19 Testing For Schools

Federally funded testing program for students and staff aims to ‘decrease disruptions in classrooms.'

Op Ed: MPS Is Just As Bad as Police Department
Op Ed

MPS Is Just As Bad as Police Department

Both are racist systems and both need wholesale reform.

Conservative Group Sues Over Minority Scholarship Program

Conservative Group Sues Over Minority Scholarship Program

Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty argues the grant is racially exclusionary to white students and some Asian students.