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Back in the News: Lasry Revises His Minimum Wage Story
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Lasry Revises His Minimum Wage Story

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate's campaign issues correction. But it's far from complete.

Back in the News: State Ground Zero for Vaccine Hesitancy?
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State Ground Zero for Vaccine Hesitancy?

Wisconsin trails 20 states in percent vaccinated. Hesitancy could prolong pandemic.

Back in the News: Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers
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Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers

Federal court rejects MacIver Institute's demand for access to governors's press briefings.

Back in the News: Johnson’s ‘Presidential’ Speech Fizzles
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Johnson’s ‘Presidential’ Speech Fizzles

Senator gets no coverage of Mar-a-Lago speech, but working hard to get national attention.

Back in the News: Fiserv Paid No Federal Taxes in 2020
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Fiserv Paid No Federal Taxes in 2020

Not a dollar of taxes on $1.1 billion in pre-tax earnings. Among 55 corporations that paid nothing.

Back in the News: Uline Workers Suffer Higher COVID-19 Rates
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Uline Workers Suffer Higher COVID-19 Rates

Owners and Trump donors the Uihleins have downplayed pandemic, worker complaints.

Back in the News: Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson
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Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson

His latest hoax, that ‘fake Trump protesters’ led Capitol riots, called 'disgraceful.’

Back in the News: The Hoax Master of Wisconsin
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The Hoax Master of Wisconsin

Ron Johnson has become a national leader in hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

Back in the News: Uline Faces Blowback on Capitol Riot
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Uline Faces Blowback on Capitol Riot

Northwestern reviewing contract with company, which gave $4 million to group pushing uprising.

Back in the News: Sykes Is No Longer a Republican
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Sykes Is No Longer a Republican

National Public Radio stands corrected. He is not -- roll the drums -- a Republican any more.

Back in the News: Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory
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Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory

Senator now blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Capitol riot.

Back In The News: Billionaire Sports Owners Get Richer
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Billionaire Sports Owners Get Richer

Report shows 64 billionaire owners gained $99 billion during pandemic, helped by billions in tax subsidies.