Arts & Entertainment

Take One: Milwaukee Children’s Film Festival
Take One

Milwaukee Children’s Film Festival

Milwaukee Film blends awesome kid’s films with important lessons in media literacy for the whole family.

Obama: Fixing the economy, 12 jobs at a time

Fixing the economy, 12 jobs at a time

We didn’t learn anything new Monday. But Obama's appearance affords an opportunity to look at job creation, the bane of current global economic recovery efforts.

Waters and Rangel: swamp drainage detritus
Waters and Rangel

swamp drainage detritus

Democrats may not have invented the circular firing squad, but you got to admit, they sure have perfected it.

Threads: Bootie-licious


Soon, we'll pack away our light and breezy summer garments in exchange for something more substantial. Personally, I'm looking forward to fall because it means one thing: boot season.

Sewer wars: Underground and on the air
Sewer wars

Underground and on the air

MMSD dumps 2.1 billion gallons of combined sewage and storm water into Lake Michigan. But when we received 63 billion gallons of rain, was there any choice?

Clarke v. Moews should be November ballot

Clarke v. Moews should be November ballot

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke looks like a sure thing, but he has to face MPD Lt. Chris Moews in a race that pits the "Fox News Democrat" against a real Democrat.

Food, music and the life worth living

Food, music and the life worth living

Food is more than food at the Laurie Raphael Restaurant. It resonates. It intensifies life. It does what art does.

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

George H.W. Bush appointee Chief Judge Vaughn Walker overturns Prop 8 under the crazy notion that the legality of marriage is not about values - it's about rights.

Religious freedom for all

Religious freedom for all

Muslims wish to worship within blocks of Ground Zero. This is what America is about; to say otherwise is an affront to our Constitution and democratic values.

Threads: Fads, done right

Fads, done right

Leggings, wide-leg trousers and distressed denim: all trends with loads of potential...if they're done right.

Brother, can you spare a penny?

Brother, can you spare a penny?

Wisconsin schools are on life support and the "Pennies for Kids" sales tax campaign is simply a shot of penicillin to keep schools alive.

PODCAST: Lyricism as outreach

Lyricism as outreach

Through the COA's youth programming, spoken word artist Damien Smith helps teens channel their emotions and express themselves through poetry.