Arts & Entertainment

Dining: Wings Restaurant Opening on East Side

Wings Restaurant Opening on East Side

Good Land Wing Company, on Oak and Loc, promises healthier, non-greasy chicken wings.

New Mural Has Positive Choices For Teens

New Mural Has Positive Choices For Teens

Teens in summer care program in Thurston Woods area illustrate a positive future.

Dining: Fuel Cafe Is a 5th St. Hangout

Fuel Cafe Is a 5th St. Hangout

Good coffee, of course, but hip, spacious place also has mostly tasty chow.

Sponsored: Don’t miss ‘Pippin’ at Skylight Music Theatre Opening Friday, September 21!

Don’t miss ‘Pippin’ at Skylight Music Theatre Opening Friday, September 21!

Winner of five Tony Awards, this iconic musical from the creator of Wicked follows Pippin’s search to live an extraordinary life and find his “corner of the sky.”

Dining: Bay View Sushi Restaurant Closing

Bay View Sushi Restaurant Closing

Sushi Go closed, its food truck still going through December, owners off to New Mexico.

Best of Doors Open: Inside the Global Water Center
Best of Doors Open

Inside the Global Water Center

Our photos capture a beautiful facility focused on beefing up the city's research and innovation.

Introducing 5th Street Week

Introducing 5th Street Week

Urban Milwaukee dedicates the coming week to covering the best of S. 5th Street in Walker's Point.

Visual Art: Looking Backwards With a Smile
Visual Art

Looking Backwards With a Smile

Tyanna Buie’s art is a fragmented celebration of family and childhood memories.

Ballet Makes Progress On New Center

Ballet Makes Progress On New Center

Beam signing shows new Baumgartner Center in Third Ward closer to completion.

Doors Open: 13 Places on MLK Dr. Featured by Doors Open
Doors Open

13 Places on MLK Dr. Featured by Doors Open

Two century-old churches, art galleries, sausage factory and much more.

Classical: We’re Playing Three Great Composers

We’re Playing Three Great Composers

Philomusica Quartet does Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich.

Silver City Festival Celebrates Diversity

Silver City Festival Celebrates Diversity

South side neighborhood showcases Latino and Asian food, dance, art.