News & Views

Horne: Bauman presses for details on Park East Kohl’s bid

Bauman presses for details on Park East Kohl’s bid

Ald. Bob Bauman is requesting further information about the attempt to bring Kohl's to the Park East Corridor, saying the plan by Kohl's "was never real."

Planned Parenthood rallies against GOP’s “war on women”

Planned Parenthood rallies against GOP’s “war on women”

Dubbed the "Mad as Hell" rally, Planned Parenthood organized a protest at the Capitol in Madison in opposition to three State Assembly bills.

Durst: Not So Super Tuesday report

Not So Super Tuesday report

After Super Tuesday, the Republican Party is ready to get behind their candidate and begin the long march to November. Or not.

Winners & Losers: TCD’s week in review (3/09/12)
Winners & Losers

TCD’s week in review (3/09/12)

GTAC moves on, new jobs reports are released, dairy farmers set a state record, and John Axford tells the truth.

Bill says single parenthood is a factor in child abuse

Bill says single parenthood is a factor in child abuse

Glenn Grothman sponsored a bill that says single parenthood could lead to child abuse and neglect. One opponent calls it "demeaning" and "dangerous."

Barrett questions Walker’s leadership, weighs recall run

Barrett questions Walker’s leadership, weighs recall run

Mayor Tom Barrett is yet to throw his hat into Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall ring, but at Wednesday's Wispolitics forum, he sounded like he's running.

VETransfer named White House “Champion of Change”

VETransfer named White House “Champion of Change”

VETransfer will be honored as a "Champion of Change" as part of President Obama's "Win The Future" initiative. The event will be streaming live on

Durst: A Tale of Two Romneys

A Tale of Two Romneys

Will Durst explains how Mitt Romney's biggest challenge might not be from Sen. Rick Santorum, but from his alter ego, Flipper Mitt. “Cloud heaven for your CDs”

“Cloud heaven for your CDs”

Madison-based gives customers an opportunity to convert their CD collections into a constantly updating online account.

Winners & Losers: TCD’s week in review (3/02/12)
Winners & Losers

TCD’s week in review (3/02/12)

A Brady Street staple plans to expand, mining legislation hits a major roadblock, and a bipartisan bill aimed at helping Wisconsin veterans is signed into law.

Horne: “Art in Protest” banned at School for Workers

“Art in Protest” banned at School for Workers

UW Extension School for Workers "Art in Protest" exhibit was cancelled after pressure from state rep Steve Nass, sparking a freedom of expression debate.

Durst: The Ayatollah of Pennsylvania

The Ayatollah of Pennsylvania

You could say Rick Santorum is old fashioned, but Will Durst says it might be more precise to say he's Old Testament. It's Santorum's turn as Not Romney.