Media and Advertising

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site

Claims Wisconsin Examiner is “partisan” and “slanted” but provides not one example.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die
Murphy’s Law

Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die

And why it may not matter to news readers.

What Does GateHouse Deal Mean for the Journal Sentinel?

What Does GateHouse Deal Mean for the Journal Sentinel?

Layoffs? Cost cutting? Consolidation?

GateHouse Deal Could Hurt Journal Sentinel

GateHouse Deal Could Hurt Journal Sentinel

GateHouse Media could take over Gannett, causing more cost cutting at JS, other papers.

Murphy’s Law: A New State “Progressive” Publication
Murphy’s Law

A New State “Progressive” Publication

Wisconsin Examiner adds to Capitol press corps, with a "people's" perspective on policies.

Back in the News: Death Watch at the Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

Death Watch at the Journal Sentinel

Yet more layoffs, Gannett cuts nationally, facing buyout bid.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff

All veterans taking buyout, as staff continues to be purged.

“Not Guilty” Ruling Doesn’t Make Things Right

“Not Guilty” Ruling Doesn’t Make Things Right

Reporter Edgar Mendez reflects on his arrest and treatment by Milwaukee Police for doing his job.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Abandons Print Readers?
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Abandons Print Readers?

Paper’s circulation plummets as owner Gannett pushes switch to digital.

Urban Milwaukee Wins 7 Press Club Awards

Urban Milwaukee Wins 7 Press Club Awards

6th straight year the publication is honored by state-wide journalism contest.

John McCullough, Milwaukee news anchor, remembered

John McCullough, Milwaukee news anchor, remembered

Tom McCullough knows that his late newscaster uncle took objectivity seriously.

New Focus at ThirdCoast Digest

New Focus at ThirdCoast Digest

A message from TCD's new publisher, John Shannon.