
Great Lakes Get $1 Billion for Clean Up

Great Lakes Get $1 Billion for Clean Up

Funding from infrastructure law will help with remediation in Milwaukee Estuary.

Bill Could Expand Electric Car Charging Stations

Bill Could Expand Electric Car Charging Stations

But amendments prevent stations by governments or private parties not connected to utilities.

MKE County: Board Approves Climate Change Plan
MKE County

Board Approves Climate Change Plan

Led by Sup. Haas, board approves plan to annually analyze, adapt to local impacts of global climate change.

Army Corps, MMSD Revitalizing Honey Creek

Army Corps, MMSD Revitalizing Honey Creek

6,700 feet of concrete lining will be removed from stream bed.

Eyes on Milwaukee: State Approves $96 Million Harbor Cleanup Facility
Eyes on Milwaukee

State Approves $96 Million Harbor Cleanup Facility

Part of federally-backed effort to remove "area of concern" designation from Milwaukee's waterways.

Prehn Out As Natural Resources Board Chair

Prehn Out As Natural Resources Board Chair

Though the Walker appointee still refuses to leave board despite term ending.

Judge Says DNR Needs PFAS Rules to Enforce

Judge Says DNR Needs PFAS Rules to Enforce

Business lobby sued DNR over testing. Judge says agency can test, but must develop rules to enforce.

MMSD Gets $42 Million Loan For Stormwater Projects

MMSD Gets $42 Million Loan For Stormwater Projects

Low-interest federal loan will help fund sewerage district's green infrastructure projects.

Op-Ed: To Attract Young Workers Address Climate Change

To Attract Young Workers Address Climate Change

Our neighboring states doing it. Wisconsin falling behind.

$90 Million Coal Plant Upgrade Approved

$90 Million Coal Plant Upgrade Approved

State PSC okays WE Energies pollution controls; plan criticized for investing more in fossil fuels.

Climate Change Is Top Concern In State

Climate Change Is Top Concern In State

Followed by federal budget deficit and income distribution, survey of state residents finds.

Op Ed: How to Save Our County Parks
Op Ed

How to Save Our County Parks

Citizens can get involved and make a difference.