
Will Durst: Obama’s creed cred
Will Durst

Obama’s creed cred

A few years ago anybody who spoke badly of the President was immediately labeled a traitor and accused of coddling the terrorists with a back rub. Not any more.

Doing right by our most vulnerable citizens

Doing right by our most vulnerable citizens

After disturbing information came to light, the County Board started cleaning up the Mental Health Complex. Now they need to remove the censure of Lynn DeBruin.

Primary Coverage: 4th District candidates in the D.C. fray
Primary Coverage

4th District candidates in the D.C. fray

Paul Morel challenges incumbent Gwen Moore, while Republicans decide between free-market conservative Dan Sebring and one-issue candidate Ken Lipinski.

Will Durst: Mosquerade Party
Will Durst

Mosquerade Party

There is only one decent reason a Mosque should be built 2 blocks from Ground Zero. It’s called the 1st Amendment. The one good reason not to? It's called grace.

View from the Waiting Room: Feds should monitor insurance, John says
View from the Waiting Room

Feds should monitor insurance, John says

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Tim John sees access to health care as a right, and the need for more government involvement in monitoring insurance rate increases.

Primary Coverage: Politicos clamor for a shot at the Number Two spot
Primary Coverage

Politicos clamor for a shot at the Number Two spot

A crowded field of Democrats and Republicans seek the voters attention in Wisconsin Lt. Governor's race but by and large, their platforms are the same. After wading through the rhetoric, I suggest throwing a dart.

We’re Not Colorblind

We’re Not Colorblind

Come on, get real. Racism is as American as apple pie.

Boot camp discipline at heart of sheriff’s race

Boot camp discipline at heart of sheriff’s race

The jury is out on the effectiveness of jail-based boot camps. Attitudes may be adjusted, but is that enough?

Obama: Fixing the economy, 12 jobs at a time

Fixing the economy, 12 jobs at a time

We didn’t learn anything new Monday. But Obama's appearance affords an opportunity to look at job creation, the bane of current global economic recovery efforts.

View from the Waiting Room: Barrett would bring ‘adult leadership’ to health reform
View from the Waiting Room

Barrett would bring ‘adult leadership’ to health reform

The next governor will determine how health care reform unfolds in Wisconsin. The first of four interviews with the state's gubernatorial hopefuls on the subject.

Waters and Rangel: swamp drainage detritus
Waters and Rangel

swamp drainage detritus

Democrats may not have invented the circular firing squad, but you got to admit, they sure have perfected it.

Sewer wars: Underground and on the air
Sewer wars

Underground and on the air

MMSD dumps 2.1 billion gallons of combined sewage and storm water into Lake Michigan. But when we received 63 billion gallons of rain, was there any choice?