
Primary Coverage: Feingold appeals to voters on both sides
Primary Coverage

Feingold appeals to voters on both sides

TCD Associate News Editor Patti Wenzel and contributor John Smart rarely agree, but when it comes to Russ Feingold they're of one mind.

America values free speech and faith – even if it’s misguided

America values free speech and faith – even if it’s misguided

Terry Jones has incited a firestorm towards America by planning to burn the Koran. He has the right to do it, but that doesn't mean it's right.

Walker and Neumann:The race to watch
Walker and Neumann

The race to watch

GOP rivals Scott Walker and Mark Neumann are neck and neck as the primary vote draws near. Tom Barrett can sit back and watch the fun.

Donald Kaul: Setting the record straight
Donald Kaul

Setting the record straight

In the spirit of preserving truth and justice, I offer up the following falsehoods - believed to be true by many bewildered Americans -along with corrections.

Obama announces $50 billion economic recovery plan

Obama announces $50 billion economic recovery plan

Obama wants to invest this latest chunk of change into infrastructure to provide instant jobs and create long-term growth. But don't call it a stimulus.

View from the Waiting Room: Walker camp vague on health care
View from the Waiting Room

Walker camp vague on health care

Walker's health care agenda calls for “market-based solutions like competition and tax incentives,” but goes into little detail beyond those generalities.

Abandoned by FEMA, flood victims find a ray of hope

Abandoned by FEMA, flood victims find a ray of hope

Common Council President Willie Hines saw two problems -- people left homeless by the flood and a swath of foreclosed properties -- and found a solution for both.

Will Durst: Happy Labor Day
Will Durst

Happy Labor Day

One day to celebrate true American heroes. The ones who keep democracy alive and shaking and moving and growing -- you and me.

Exchange students offer a connection to the global community

Exchange students offer a connection to the global community

When I say that these bright young students are changing my life, I mean it. This is how our nation can take part in "new globalism."

GOP Senate race: Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
GOP Senate race

Eeny, meeny, miny, mo

Ron Johnson has the name recognition, but the Wisconsin GOP Senate primary is a not much of a battle. Pick and choose.

Does Milwaukee need another “gentleman’s club”?

Does Milwaukee need another “gentleman’s club”?

Is it an economic boost or anti-woman flesh pandering? As we wait for the Common Council to vote, Patti Wenzel and Ryan Findley weigh out the pros and cons.

Donald Kaul: Much ado about non-news stories
Donald Kaul

Much ado about non-news stories

Every August, real news slows to a trickle. Even real journalists are forced to join Fox News in concentrating on some mini-scandal. This year was no exception.